Diversity in the Workforce: Summer Roundup

The U.S. has always been known as a melting pot; diversity is its strong suit. However, when it comes to the workforce and corporate America, diversity has been lacking. No longer. Minorities are becoming the majority and that means the majority of consumers, clients, employees, and leaders in the workforce.
The good news is diversity is great for business. Let’s take a look at how organizations can best prepare for the diverse workforce of tomorrow.

1. Diversity Officers Must Have These Four Qualities

Google, known for having its finger on the pulse of the future, has an employee base that is only 2% black and 3% Hispanic. Yet 85% of the net workforce growth over the next two decades will come from immigrants and their children. Can organizations really survive without employing large swaths of the population? Future-focused leaders know the answer is no.

Many are tackling this priority by adding a diversity officer to their leadership teams. This type of position is relatively new, and leaves some organizations confused. What does a person in this role actually do? What kind of candidate is the best fit? Where does this role fit in the organizational structure?

2 . Why Attracting and Retaining Diverse Talent is a Strategic Priority

If organizations want the best talent, they need address any issues that are keeping diverse talent out of their ranks and out of their boardrooms. Beyond talent on an individual level, a diverse workforce as a whole is important for the bottom line. In fact, 96% of executives polled in a Korn/Ferry Institute study believe diversity can boost the bottom line. The truth is in the numbers.

3.  Seven Tips for Managing Unconscious Bias

Even those with the best intentions behave in biased ways and simply have no idea they’re doing it. Most of us use biased language without giving it a second thought. But how can you manage something you can’t even tell exists? The good news is, it’s possible with these seven tips.

4. Can Eliminating Workplace Bias Be as Simple as Interrupting It?

Joan C. Williams writes, “When an organization lacks diversity, it’s not the employees who need fixing. It’s the business systems.”

There are many emerging strategies to increase diversity and eliminate bias in organizations. Some are even using big data to tackle the problem. Let’s take a look at one of those strategies known as The Interruption Strategy.

Are you aware of any cutting edge initiatives used to eliminate workplace bias?

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